wait, i can do this.... sorry what was i supposed to do again?

Friday, February 11, 2011


it's a Friday night....

1. I'm working tomorrow
2. I'm still doing some work right now despite being sleepy because i need to touch up on my subordinates' evaluation. sucks to know that they're actually supposed to do this themselves, but apparently, here in this company, it's ok to do work FOR your subordinates because if you dont the higher powers will be pissed off at you. 
3. Sucks to know that when i'm doing this, and if they do get their merit, if you're lucky, 10% would come and say thank you. if not, give it 5%. 
4. I miss my wife and life 's fucking empty and demotivating without having her around. 

have a great fuckin weekend guys. 


K said...

Ipeng!!!! Kirah la ni. I'm doing night shift at the mo and work has slowed down a bit so now im a little bored but cant sleep so here i am.. I really hope u get ur transfer to Peninsular! even so, i actually have a plane ticket to Bintulu a week before puasa starts this year, bought it just because it was as cheap as a McD value meal! and of course i know i have ppl like you Bon Pitis there to hang out with over there! if i plan to use it, i'll be in Bintulu for 5 days! ok enough rambling just wanted to say hi we havent met for like 8 million years! hang in there mate, u are stronger than u think! :)

Hippie Dude said...


thanks for the wishes. I just went for the interview last Monday. they want me, but right now it's all pending to the release from this side of the world. praying so much.

Ok one thing, byk2 ticket murah airasia jual, pehal ko beli datang Bintulu????? HAHAHA. jahat siyot gelak.

well you're in luck, if i'm not transferred then, there'll be me and Bon and yes Pitis is still around. but then again Pitis is married here so might be difficult to hang out with her as much.

Both Bon and I are on "single" stats here, so ko mmg bertuah. but tak bertuah if your "holiday" here during weekdays. unless if im still here, and on my offdays, tader hal lah (still praying for that transfer).

anyway, btol weh, lama gila tak hang out. i think we should like organize a dinner get together once for everyone. however, harituh aku dgn bon ada sembang kot benda ni. paling ngam skali ko kot. hahahah. you're on shift and in KL =P.

keep in contact kerr!