I must say... i watched Sepet, and i believe everyone has almost the right thought, aside from old black and white Malay movies, Sepet has to be the best movie ever made. period. i am a movie geek, and watching it could not make me stop to gaze in awe, how witty, sharp, and amazing the script writing is. its like the concept of my AAW performace, Johan and his love (i'm sorry i dont remember what's her name). the casualness of the language in the movie itself was already sooo original and hopefully a stepping stone to other malaysian directors. i was amazed when Ah Loong told he friend Keong "haiyaa just go buy that fucking ubat nyamuk." I was already thrown off the chair, crying out this movie was awesome. not because i'm a fan of swearing and cursing. but the potrayal how real life really is. teenagers using swear words all the time. it doenst hurt to show the reality of how Malaysia really is. its not all perfect and harmony and what not.
the camera shot of the movie was just so unique, and amazing although... i still think some shots could be improved, like when Orked was going out for the first time with Ah Loong. i dont think real dates usually sit side by side. ida nerina also had such a gripping act, and just makes you sebak going through the end.
another thing less appealing to me, is how fast they get to the cair part in the first scene vcd stall of the movie. just hoping they could build on that. but all in all... the movie was kick ass awesome. like i said, the script itself was witty, brazen, and entertaining. a lot of my friends told me to start writing a script... i think i should.... and give it to Yazmin Ahmad. heh. tatau ler will she even touch it.
Pastu, to think that Aziz M Osman, and Yusof Haslam would think positive of the comments made regarding most citer melayu skarang... SAMPAH. i agree with every concept... citer melayu zaman sekarang SAMPAH. saper tengok pun? aziz m osman, if you're reading this, i've always thought you were a good director, but these past few years, all the movies that you produce or direct are stereotypical and just plain unreal. your defense on Ku Seman's article was what i call pangkah diri sendiri. you're an adult, trying to defend your movies, trying to show that you have a better ability than Yazmin and try to make Ku Seman eat his own words... but you have to defend it with a "Pocahontas" song? GROW UP. it'll be like me, using limp bizkit song quotes in my essay of "Politically incorrect." you also try mention how chris rock interview individuals on what movie they watch, and they say white chicks, and other low life movies like that. What are you trying to compare? normal people watch those kinds of movies? saying that normal org melayu watch those movies pf typical melayu haslam? most only watch during Raya, ramai2, and that was only because there are no other good malaysian movies to watch. itu pun, usually people start off with a good p ramlee movie. period. and still the the comparing aspect, those movies are crapt, its not in the ACTUAL box office, and does not win any recognition, locally, or internationally. Sepet has just started couple of months ago, and god knows so many awards are they going to win.
You could make a great movie, a lot of malaysians know you can, and DID. when i say great, not that senario, or aper ntah movie baru tuh. dah ler dubbing was really not professional. sigh... (macam laaa aziz m osman baca).
I know i could definitely write a better script, a better movie than Yusof Haslam. seriously... Yazmin Ahmad has made a huge standard in Malaysian directors or directors wannabe. i pray that malaysian movies only get better after this, and show that not only indonesians, or thais can make cool breath taking movies. prove them that malaysia truly is... ASIA. real ASIA.
Nusantara pics....
I didnt have to chance to take so many pics during the performance. if you would like to see, go to http://www.rpi.edu/%7Ekadirs/index2.html. for those who dont know, of my sis, nadia, she is a very good photographer, you could probably go there and analyze her pics. you could ask her questions too if you want.
this pic is a courtesy of Sha@rpi (the website above)....
![](http://www.rpi.edu/~mahmum/modern silat2.bmp)
me and abe....
asian friends....
linda comel and me
me and andy warhol....
badik and zaki....
the gang :)....
me and tod....
the gang again...
asmaradana (one of the BEST dancers)....
sepet II (style citer melayu. i heard there is going to be sembilu V, buduh tak?)....
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