wait, i can do this.... sorry what was i supposed to do again?

Monday, March 29, 2004

well... enough with the previous entry. end.

Well well... its spring again. hell yeah. now we're talking. the sun is up, the birds are coming out, and the insects are buzzing again. out of all the seasons, yes, spring is the best. well for me at least. dont know bout anyone else. tadi masa hantar fifi balik i was cruising in my car, with sunglasses, driving down the highway, rasa cam kick ass road tripping sengsorang plakk. heh, jiwang sebentar. but really, that is what i'm gonna do with the manly man of RPI who are not going back. from here, to Calif baby. hell yeah. harap2 aaa jadik. well spring is here... the smell... and masya allah, THE RAIN!! i love rain. i dont know why. but i love rain. if you walk in the rain, and carry a sword, it'll make you look like a travelling warrior. sadly, i never tried that. i only walked and yes.. just walked. but its still great. gonna start joggin outside tomorrow. muahaha. i loooove spring!!! it smells nice. and best of all...

TAROI KITA BLEH GI FISHING. ingat, next week saturday, tak pun rabu nih, kita gi beli fishing equipment. i wanna see your ass kicked boy!! hahahah...

sprrringgg feveeer.....

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