wait, i can do this.... sorry what was i supposed to do again?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Food poisoning sucks big time....

okay, so food poisoning really sucks big time. i woke up on sunday morning in KK during my merdeka weekend, only to feel ill sick on my stomach, squirming, twisting and turning looking for the best position to sit,lie down, stand or what ever.

I think i ate that lamb bruschetta in upper star that made me that way. and worse thing is, marien uttered the word lamb today, and i've already started feeling a bit nauseas. why is this not good? i love lamb so much... see?? thinking about 'it' is already making me feel sick. last time i felt like this was when i puked on mayo when i was a kid, hence i have a bit of fear for mayo, and also cappucino. i hate the smell that when i got sick because of that, hearing the name was already making me sick.

so this is now my new irk. worst thing is, it's one of my favorite meal. lamb. aaaa shaaaits. thinking about it makes me sick to the guts. oh well. food poisoning SUCKS!!!


does anyone know that Gah is actually a malay word??? it's a malay word for keangkuhan, kemashyuran. something along that lines.

It doesnt seem like it was supposed to be a word at all. i think back then in those days, the malay scholars were probably stoned on opium or something, and on the table, one person said,

'hey, we should come up with a word for keangkuhan or kemashyuran something like that dudes'.

and someone said 'Gah~~~~'. which was mumbled across the table. the scriber, who, i assume was also jacked up, heard some muffled up sound, wrote 'Gah~~~' and some scribbles. in the end, when they sobered up, they decided to just go with Gah. hmmmm. maybe huh?

neighboring conflicts....

I've always wondered why do neighboring countries has to be not so clicking anywhere in the world.

there's obviously the canada and US, US and mexico, England and Ireland and Scotland, Japan and China. Somehow though, sometimes i think Malaysia can have a wee bit too many rivals. Thailand due to the border thingy, Indon due to the better singing talent, Singapore for god knows being so ignorant that Malaysians can actually do better than they do. Aussie's the poor one. since their the only island down under, they need to pick a fight with malaysia as well once in a while. oh well. but i guess i know why. not because the 50th merdeka spirit is in me, but yes, i think this is very true, Malaysia has indeed grown into a relevant power in so many aspects from business, entertainment, to politics, that other countries that dont get as much attention or better yet better progress as we do are a wee bit jealous.

but Malaysia, we still got so much more to go. i'd suggest we should start brushing up on our love for the environment and lessen the illegal logging done by the chinese gangsters of borneo probably by some bribing by irresponsible authorities god knows. how can i help it? i'm a hippie dude, so save the trees ppl.

cocky are us.....

two things i dont like... 1st... cockyness. cocky yang konon dier paling hebat. baru buat benda tuh skali dua suddenly dier hebat. translation, this schmuck been doing something just once or twice, suddenly thinks he's the best, let's saaaaay paintball. oh come oooon. i played in the states much more times that you did you ass. something like that la.

cocky about other things. sometimes in the way they say it. some ppl just say it kiddingly. that one, i dont mind, and i know. there are some ignorant BASTARDS who say it unkiddingly and meaningly, thinking the world really revolves around him.... now that... pisses me off.

another thing that pisses me off... someone who KEEEPS on saying... KEEPS on saying KEEPS on the fucking time almost all the time saying 'rileks brader'. RILEKS my ARSE u fucking rempit. one thing i know is relax, dont tell me to relax of because im just a wee bit hyper from you, ignorant prick.

wow... havent written something like that for a while. i must be really pissed.

and again... guys... dont dont dont dont do this. i dont think all my other straight friends touch their guy friends on their hips or love handles. what the fuck is up with that??? okay.... i'm done. havent written something pissed off like that for a while. will write something new soon. on a much much lighter note.

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