wait, i can do this.... sorry what was i supposed to do again?

Monday, October 11, 2004


i just got back from a quite memorable hiking trip with some of the guys yesterday. how was it? well... basically, i WAS an avid hiker before i graduated from Alam Shah. I must say going back to nature has to be one of the coolest thing one could ever do. But then, life isnt as flexible as it used to be. BODY and SOUL. especially body. the nature was nice. you see the fall, the nice brisk, the manly conversations at the earlier stops. I've never experience being lost before, and we were lost last nite. damn. first one wasnt that scary. the second really was. the third time was pretty much okay than the second. it was getting pretty dark, as we were hoping to get back before dusk. as fun as it was, the track got rocky and rockier every descend. heh. by the time it was getting dark, everything was getting quite shitty. the only thing that was falling at that point were our legs, the 'nice brisk' started to become fuckin freezing, and the manly conversations converted to no conversations, but comments or questions 'uish, lama sial' or 'babi, biler nak sampai nih?'. heh. but was it fun? after going through all that, yes it was fun. would i do it again? yes, but this time i'll pack sufficiently. torch light, knife, rope, extra socks, energy bar, choclate bars, energy drinks. all that. well, i think personally we got lost couple of times, maybe we were boasting of the fact the forests here arent like the jungles in Malaysia. nak kencing kene mintak izin, no swearing, no shouting, you had to respect the forest. we nearly did exactly all the opposite. heh. pasnih tak nak cakap besar dah. and i'll try to be there before sunrise.


okay, i used to work at this citgo gas station with this old bangladeshi guy with his wife and son. i ended up quitting the job firstly because i was selling alcohol, but mostly because his son told me to charge extra cash to some innocent individual so they could compensate from a person who just took off with their gas without paying. aint that shitty. another thing i kinda disliked so much was the father. he kept stressing that country comes first from god. business comes first from god. money comes first from god. btw, i didnt think i mentioned it before... the family are muslim. the only reason i go to the gas station now is just pop in say hi, and fill up air for my tires, since other gas station's air pump is either out of order, or they just dont have one. so right before im typing this i went there to fill up air for my tires and popped in to say hi. what he said completely annoyed me and made me decide to look for another air pump here in troy. i dont know where but i'll find it. he started with a question 'how's malaysia? good?' i answered with a smile yes. and then he started saying that he read in the paper that a lot of muslim in malaysia are killing each other and bombing ppl everywhere. then my face was flushed. he just ticked me off. i felt like showing him the finger. but instead i answered with a smile, no, nothing like that ever happened in malaysia. he then told me that he read that thing in the newspaper and stressed that muslim ppl are no good. okay, im not such a good muslim, i confess. but still i have that belief. kinda pissing me off and i said no. i had to stay since he was still holding my money for change. if not i was gone just like that. than he started with the fact that muslim has no unity. that, i have to agree. why? last time ive heard this imam said in jumaat while in the uk. muslim everywhere in the world arent that united. tarikh nak tetapkan puasa pun tak boleh sepakat. ni kan pulak nak united. kalau satu negara tuh dah setuju nak puasa hari nih, konon nyer, tetiba ada plak org nak puasa sehari awal, dier kata org lain kat negara dier puasa sehari awal, tak pun org lain sekaum dier puasa sehari lambat, tak pun dua hari lambat. now that is a problem. anyway, it is true anyway, dah hujung zaman. umat islam mula berpecah belah. but still islam is islam and that is my belief, so im sticking to it. dont ask me why, or cakap 'ah poyo nak mampus aa mamat nih. bullshit. macam fucker aper dier cakap. baik aku dengar cakap monyet tepi jalan. dosa buat gak.' fuck you i dont care. ko ingat ko perfect sgt? butoh. anyway, this bangladeshi guy started saying 'i think in this world all very religious muslims, are no good.' personally i thought it was Bullshit, so then i started defending what i think, smiled took my money and just went off. really, not going to fill up my air there for a while....

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