wait, i can do this.... sorry what was i supposed to do again?

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Sugar Rush....

Well, recently after the high rise and fall of the Oil & Fuel price, the government has announced a Sugar price hike. and in actual fact, the sugar price hike isnt only an issue in our beloved country, but actually throughout the world.

Obviously, in regards to this decision, there have been some retaliation, protests, by everyone around due to the price hike. if people had their own way, like all other millions of ignorant protesters who dont get a permit, or go parading a cow's head like a bloody group of neanderthal douschebag idiot, these sugar loving folks wouldve marched through putrajaya or KL, and try to bring down the pain and hit every stalls that raised the sugar price like a throng of angry zombies hunger for flesh.

my take? unlike the fuel price hike, i'm actually totally RELIEVED that they're increasing the sugar price. i'm hoping, this way everyone would start to realize that they should bloody well reduce on their sugar intake, and start noticing a better healthy living. seriously. dont they realize that obesity, is starting to plague the world. no no no people, the world's number killer i think isnt aids, or cancer, or bird flu, or whatever new virus that comes on the grid suddenly. i think it's obesity!

obesity is fucking killing everyone physcially, mentally and their social lives. that indulge themselves in that countless plates of rice, food, supersize my bigmac to extra titan so i'll bloody choke to death with it. a slow death. and that sweet teh tarik that just engulfs you slowly, taking you in even worse than weed.

these days, when i sit down at pizza hut, or McD (simultaneously not feeling proud of it, although i know you need to indulge it once in a while) id get a glimpse of a normal looking parents, feeding their obese child who's probably only about 4 years of age. normal parents, obese child. no people, realize that the child is not big boned, not just eating profusely just so he needs the energy to play (of course if he did he'd probably wont look like a cow at such an early age).

I also truly hate the fact when you sit down, eating dinner with a group of people, and you only take half a rice or a small portion of food compared to others, they'd say you're on a diet, or that typical 'alaa muda lagi, makan kenyang2' in translation 'hey, you're still young, enjoy all the food you can!' and try to force feed you more food than you can already handle. 'young' they say, so what? you wanna wait til you get sick and regret every moment of your life for overeating? you had your chance.

seriously, people you're not your parents, you're not your grandparents who eat a lot but bust their bones working hard PHYSICALLY to earn a living. most of us now live a SEDENTARY life and most of the time you'd sit down in front of the tv or the computer being slaves of technology and make fun of those you-so-call-idiots who go jogging, workout coz they want to feel healthy. people, at this current time, the hell with age, the hell with status, you need to say healthy, and work out and stop binging on that bloody sugar. YES, bloody literally coz if you make a mistake of it, it'll be stained with your blood one day (lame gila perumpamaan).

But then again, as i was typing through, this sugar hike will only help people if the stores who sell the drinks actually DO reduce the sugar to meet with the same price instead of maintaining the sugar and INCREASING the price... what a twisted world we live in.....

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