wait, i can do this.... sorry what was i supposed to do again?

Sunday, April 18, 2004

okay, here's my day.... i woke up early at 7am, went to my enve geology field trip where i found out more about GE, and overall off the trip was great, even though i really felt that i had to pee. then went to latham biryani, then practice for the AAW, then came back for a shower, and then came back for the REAL thing, which was scary, the good thing is a lot of ppl laughed at the jokes, so it wasn't as bad as i imagined. so it was a tiring nite. my highlight for this whole PACKED weekend was kill bill.... and as i written in my msn, tonite... i will, kill... bill. well.... that DID NOT HAPPEN!! i reached hoyts, only to find out i missed the show, and practically made my night worse. and i watched the rerun of the whole show and stuff, i think i sucked at acting, but thanks a bucnh anyway for acknowledging. and, i came back to my room, and just plain silent... hush... nothing!! my head is spinning, i have to wake up early again tomorrow, my alarm clock rosak, i'm DEAD tired, i have a very crappy mood right now, no one to talk to, and ayun, i just got your msg, kol 3 pagi, nak sgt tepon balik, tapi tak nak kacau u. the person who i really would like to talk to is just not here right now. and thus, i cannot express my feelings my whole day, and thus, i feel so crappy. BESOK KENE BANGUN AWAAAAAL!!!!!!!! and skang dah kol 3!! kambiiiing!!

"kalau marah kan nyamuk, jgn di bakar satu kelambu"

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